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What is Raw Hair?

Raw hair is 100% unprocessed hair that is collected from one donor. All cuticles are intact and aligned in one direction. It is natural looking and blends well with all hair types.

How is Raw Hair different from Virgin and Synthetic Mixed Hair?

Unlike Raw hair, virgin and mixed hair is steamed to achieve different hair textures. Most of the time virgin hair has been chemically processed to achieve a certain hair color and texture. This type of hair does not last as long as Raw human hair.

How Many Bundles Do You Recommend?

2-3 bundles for Inches 12-18

3-4 bundles for Inches 20-24

4-5 bundles for Inches 26-32

Can I Color My Hair?

Yes but we recommend seeing a Professional when coloring Your Extensions

Hair Care Tips?


Before installing your bundles gently brush your hair with a paddle brush or a wide-tooth comb then co-wash the hair with lukewarm water. You can take any sulfate FREE shampoo and conditioner & lather into the hair. Once your hair is washed, we recommend letting it air dry or use the lowest setting on your hair dryer.



Our raw hair is 100% human hair which means you will need to care for it as if it were your own real hair. You may use a leave-in serum for extra shine or to prevent frizz. Wrap your hair with silk scarf or silk bonnet only to prevent tangling and retain moisture.

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